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Astro5.0实验性功能responsive-images,2024年12月3号,astro5.0正式发布了!作为Astro爱好者,有一个新功能让我很喜爱,虽然这是实验性功能但是对于我来说这是一个非常值得兴奋的事!那就是responsive images!


在 Astro 5.0 版本之前,Astro 团队在图像优化方面做了大量工作。例如,他们在内置的图像组件中添加了许多功能,以改善累积布局偏移(CLS)和最大内容绘制(LCP)。通过引入 decoding 和 densities 属性,实现了响应式图像加载效果,并通过 format 属性支持多种图像格式渲染。此外,quality 属性也被添加,以调整图像的加载优先级。

Astro 3.x 版本引入的 picture 组件,进一步增强了对多种格式图像加载的兼容性。尽管如此,Astro 团队在图像处理方面做了很多改进,但在高屏幕密度设备上自动加载高分辨率图像通常是不合理的。尤其是在移动设备上,高密度屏幕可能导致不必要的高分辨率图像下载,从而消耗更多的网络流量。





Image components

picture components


  image: {
    experimentalLayout: 'responsive'
  experimental: {
    responsiveImages: true,


Image components

picture components

注意这里的sizes属性的min-width: 994px,这个994px的值是图片原始宽度,该值也会在srcset属性里面的控制最大值,下面有一个4096px的图片,渲染输出结果将会是:

picture components


		 * @docs
		 * @name image.experimentalBreakpoints
		 * @type {number[]}
		 * @default `[640, 750, 828, 1080, 1280, 1668, 2048, 2560] | [640, 750, 828, 960, 1080, 1280, 1668, 1920, 2048, 2560, 3200, 3840, 4480, 5120, 6016]`
		 * @description
		 * The breakpoints used to generate responsive images. Requires the `experimental.responsiveImages` flag to be enabled. The full list is not normally used,
		 * but is filtered according to the source and output size. The defaults used depend on whether a local or remote image service is used. For remote services
		 * the more comprehensive list is used, because only the required sizes are generated. For local services, the list is shorter to reduce the number of images generated.
		experimentalBreakpoints?: number[];


源码也是比较简单: 不管是<Image>组件还是<picture>组件内部实现方式都是基于getImage函数做处理,getImage函数也是已经暴露功能,不过官方建议推荐在服务端的时候使用,客户端不推荐!

getImage() relies on server-only APIs and breaks the build when used on the client


picture components

import { isRemotePath } from '@astrojs/internal-helpers/path';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../core/errors/index.js';
import type { AstroConfig } from '../types/public/config.js';
import { DEFAULT_HASH_PROPS } from './consts.js';
import {
} from './layout.js';
import { type ImageService, isLocalService } from './services/service.js';
import {
	type GetImageResult,
	type ImageTransform,
	type SrcSetValue,
	type UnresolvedImageTransform,
} from './types.js';
import { isESMImportedImage, isRemoteImage, resolveSrc } from './utils/imageKind.js';
import { inferRemoteSize } from './utils/remoteProbe.js';

export async function getConfiguredImageService(): Promise<ImageService> {
	if (!globalThis?.astroAsset?.imageService) {
		const { default: service }: { default: ImageService } = await import(
			// @ts-expect-error
		).catch((e) => {
			const error = new AstroError(AstroErrorData.InvalidImageService);
			error.cause = e;
			throw error;

		if (!globalThis.astroAsset) globalThis.astroAsset = {};
		globalThis.astroAsset.imageService = service;
		return service;

	return globalThis.astroAsset.imageService;

type ImageConfig = AstroConfig['image'] & {
	experimentalResponsiveImages: boolean;

export async function getImage(
	options: UnresolvedImageTransform,
	imageConfig: ImageConfig,
): Promise<GetImageResult> {

  // 这里参数作为如果不合法就return   简化
  if (xxx) {
  return ///

  // 2.执行服务器解析图片地址
	const service = await getConfiguredImageService();

	// If the user inlined an import, something fairly common especially in MDX, or passed a function that returns an Image, await it for them
	const resolvedOptions: ImageTransform = {
		src: await resolveSrc(options.src),

	let originalWidth: number | undefined;
	let originalHeight: number | undefined;
	let originalFormat: string | undefined;

	// Infer size for remote images if inferSize is true
	if (
		options.inferSize &&
		isRemoteImage(resolvedOptions.src) &&
	) {
		const result = await inferRemoteSize(resolvedOptions.src); // Directly probe the image URL
		resolvedOptions.width ??= result.width;
		resolvedOptions.height ??= result.height;
		originalWidth = result.width;
		originalHeight = result.height;
		originalFormat = result.format;
		delete resolvedOptions.inferSize; // Delete so it doesn't end up in the attributes

	const originalFilePath = isESMImportedImage(resolvedOptions.src)
		? resolvedOptions.src.fsPath
		: undefined; // Only set for ESM imports, where we do have a file path

	// Clone the `src` object if it's an ESM import so that we don't refer to any properties of the original object
	// Causing our generate step to think the image is used outside of the image optimization pipeline
	const clonedSrc = isESMImportedImage(resolvedOptions.src)
		? // @ts-expect-error - clone is a private, hidden prop
			(resolvedOptions.src.clone ?? resolvedOptions.src)
		: resolvedOptions.src;

	if (isESMImportedImage(clonedSrc)) {
		originalWidth = clonedSrc.width;
		originalHeight = clonedSrc.height;
		originalFormat = clonedSrc.format;

	if (originalWidth && originalHeight) {
		// Calculate any missing dimensions from the aspect ratio, if available
		const aspectRatio = originalWidth / originalHeight;
		if (resolvedOptions.height && !resolvedOptions.width) {
			resolvedOptions.width = Math.round(resolvedOptions.height * aspectRatio);
		} else if (resolvedOptions.width && !resolvedOptions.height) {
			resolvedOptions.height = Math.round(resolvedOptions.width / aspectRatio);
		} else if (!resolvedOptions.width && !resolvedOptions.height) {
			resolvedOptions.width = originalWidth;
			resolvedOptions.height = originalHeight;
	resolvedOptions.src = clonedSrc;

	const layout = options.layout ?? imageConfig.experimentalLayout;

	if (imageConfig.experimentalResponsiveImages && layout) {
		resolvedOptions.widths ||= getWidths({
			width: resolvedOptions.width,
			breakpoints: imageConfig.experimentalBreakpoints?.length
				? imageConfig.experimentalBreakpoints
				: isLocalService(service)
		resolvedOptions.sizes ||= getSizesAttribute({ width: resolvedOptions.width, layout });

		if (resolvedOptions.priority) {
			resolvedOptions.loading ??= 'eager';
			resolvedOptions.decoding ??= 'sync';
			resolvedOptions.fetchpriority ??= 'high';
		} else {
			resolvedOptions.loading ??= 'lazy';
			resolvedOptions.decoding ??= 'async';
			resolvedOptions.fetchpriority ??= 'auto';
		delete resolvedOptions.priority;
		delete resolvedOptions.densities;

	const validatedOptions = service.validateOptions
		? await service.validateOptions(resolvedOptions, imageConfig)
		: resolvedOptions;

	// Get all the options for the different srcSets
	const srcSetTransforms = service.getSrcSet
		? await service.getSrcSet(validatedOptions, imageConfig)
		: [];

	let imageURL = await service.getURL(validatedOptions, imageConfig);

	const matchesOriginal = (transform: ImageTransform) =>
		transform.width === originalWidth &&
		transform.height === originalHeight &&
		transform.format === originalFormat;

	let srcSets: SrcSetValue[] = await Promise.all(
		srcSetTransforms.map(async (srcSet) => {
			return {
				transform: srcSet.transform,
				url: matchesOriginal(srcSet.transform)
					? imageURL
					: await service.getURL(srcSet.transform, imageConfig),
				descriptor: srcSet.descriptor,
				attributes: srcSet.attributes,

	if (
		isLocalService(service) &&
		globalThis.astroAsset.addStaticImage &&
		!(isRemoteImage(validatedOptions.src) && imageURL === validatedOptions.src)
	) {
		const propsToHash = service.propertiesToHash ?? DEFAULT_HASH_PROPS;
		imageURL = globalThis.astroAsset.addStaticImage(
		srcSets = srcSetTransforms.map((srcSet) => {
			return {
				transform: srcSet.transform,
				url: matchesOriginal(srcSet.transform)
					? imageURL
					: globalThis.astroAsset.addStaticImage!(srcSet.transform, propsToHash, originalFilePath),
				descriptor: srcSet.descriptor,
				attributes: srcSet.attributes,

	return {
		rawOptions: resolvedOptions,
		options: validatedOptions,
		src: imageURL,
		srcSet: {
			values: srcSets,
			attribute: srcSets.map((srcSet) => `${srcSet.url} ${srcSet.descriptor}`).join(', '),
			service.getHTMLAttributes !== undefined
				? await service.getHTMLAttributes(validatedOptions, imageConfig)
				: {},

首先,该函数会执行 getConfiguredImageService 函数,以判断用户是否配置了图像服务。如果没有配置,它会尝试动态导入一个默认服务,Astro 默认使用的图像服务是 sharp。

如果启用了实验性功能,系统将通过图像服务计算不同分辨率和尺寸的 srcset,然后进行校验,最终输出 URL 和属性。总体来说,代码结构简单明了。


虽然早期的 Astro 已经具备了一定的处理逻辑,但效果并不理想,每个响应式属性都需要手动添加,十分繁琐。现在,通过简单的配置信息即可实现全面且出色的响应式图像处理。

